Marriage Story

Film Information

Marriage Story is a 2019 drama film written and directed by Noah Baumbach, who also produced the film with David Heyman. It stars Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver as a warring couple going through a coast-to-coast divorce. Laura Dern, Alan Alda, Ray Liotta, Julie Hagerty, and Merritt Wever appear in supporting roles.

All information in this section came from Wikipedia.

Clip Information

This clip shows a fight between Charlie and Nicole, a married couple going through divorce proceedings and a custody battle for their son Henry. Charlie is a theater director, and Nicole used to act in his plays when they lived in New York.

Abbrev Film Clip Start Clip Stop Duration
MarriageStory Marriage Story (2019) 01:37:24.000 01:41:24.000 240
Characteristic Value
Format MPEG-4
File Size 91.5 MiB
Duration 240.032
Frame Rate 23.976
Video Width 1792
Video Height 1072
Video BitRate 2.9 MB/s
Audio Channels 6
Audio SamplingRate 48000
Audio BitRate 341.3 kB/s


The following wordcloud shows the words used in this clip, scaled by number of occurrences and colored by sentiment (orange = negative, green = positive, grey = neutral or unsure). Note that the words have been stemmed and lemmatized and stopwords have been removed.

The table below shows all subtitles in this clip with the start and stop time of each subtitle’s appearance in seconds.

Start End Subtitle
0.296 2.340 You're being so much like your father.
2.841 4.258 Do not compare me to my father!
4.342 6.760 I didn't compare you to him. I said you were acting like him.
6.845 8.096 You're exactly like your mother.
8.179 11.307 Everything you were complaining about her, you're doing. You're suffocating Henry.
11.390 14.102 First of all, I love my mother. She was a wonderful mother.
14.185 16.520 - I'm just repeating what you told me. - Secondly, how dare you
16.604 18.439 compare my mothering to my mother!
18.522 21.484 I may be like my father, but I am not like my mother!
21.567 22.568 You are!
22.651 24.195 And you're like my father!
24.278 25.696 You're also like my mother!
25.780 27.991 You're all the bad things about all of these people!
28.491 29.575 But mostly your mother.
29.658 30.993 When we would lie in bed together,
31.077 33.913 sometimes I would look at you and see her and just feel so gross!
33.997 36.708 - I felt repulsed when you touched me! - You're a slob.
36.791 38.418 I made all the beds, closed all cabinets...
38.501 41.795 The thought of having sex with you makes me want to peel my skin off.
41.880 44.215 You'll never be happy, in LA or anywhere.
44.298 46.800 You'll think you found some better opposite guy than me,
46.885 49.262 and in a few years, you'll rebel against him
49.345 52.473 because you need to have your voice, but you don't want a voice.
52.556 54.850 You just want to fucking complain about not having a voice!
54.934 58.187 I think about being married to you, and that woman is a stranger to me.
58.729 61.189 - I mean, we had a child's marriage. - You've regressed.
61.274 63.902 You've gone back to your life before you met me, it's pathetic.
63.985 67.864 People used to tell me that you were too selfish to be a great artist.
67.947 69.658 And I used to defend you.
69.740 71.116 They were absolutely right.
71.200 73.912 All your best acting is behind you. You're back to being a hack!
73.995 77.165 You gaslighted me! You're a fucking villain!
77.248 80.709 You want to present yourself as a victim because it's a good legal strategy?
80.793 83.879 Fine, but you and I both know you chose this life!
84.422 86.299 You wanted it until you didn't!
87.341 89.593 You used me so you could get out of LA.
89.677 90.719 I didn't use you.
90.803 93.138 You did, and then you blamed me for it!
93.306 95.724 You always made me aware of what I was doing wrong,
95.808 97.100 how I was falling short!
97.185 98.895 Life with you was joyless!
98.978 101.523 What, so then you had to go and fuck someone else?
101.605 103.191 You shouldn't be upset that I fucked her!
103.274 105.151 You should be upset that I had a laugh with her!
105.234 106.069 Do you love her?
106.152 107.403 No.
107.486 109.947 But she didn't hate me. You hated me.
110.031 111.115 You hated me.
111.199 112.909 You fucked somebody we worked with.
112.992 115.494 You stopped having sex with me in the last year.
115.578 117.079 I never cheated on you.
117.163 118.247 That was cheating on me!
118.331 120.291 But there was so much I could have done.
120.374 123.002 I was a director in my twenties who came from nothing
123.086 126.255 and was suddenly on the cover of fucking Time Out New York!
126.339 129.300 I was hot shit and I wanted to fuck everybody and I didn't.
129.383 131.635 And I loved you and I didn't want to lose you.
131.719 134.555 But I'm in my twenties, and I didn't want to lose that too,
134.638 136.182 and I kinda did!
136.640 139.017 And you wanted so much so fast.
139.102 140.812 I didn't even want to get married.
140.895 142.481 And fuck it!
142.813 144.523 There's so much I didn't do.
144.607 147.276 - Thanks for that! - You're welcome!
147.360 150.529 I can't believe I have to know you forever!
150.613 152.698 You're fucking insane!
153.491 155.701 And you're fucking winning!
156.327 157.912 Are you kidding me?
158.287 160.123 I wanted to be married.
160.664 161.999 I'd already lost!
162.458 164.793 You didn't love me as much as I loved you!
166.670 168.339 What does that have to do with LA?
170.674 171.509 What?
171.592 175.012 You're so merged with your own selfishness,
175.096 178.224 you don't even identify it as selfishness anymore!
178.599 180.851 You're such a dick!
180.935 183.563 Every day I wake up and I hope you're dead!
183.646 186.690 Dead, like if I could guarantee Henry would be okay,
186.774 190.611 I'd hope you'd get an illness, and then get hit by a car and die!
210.381 212.425 Oh, God!
222.393 223.227 I'm sorry.
225.146 226.105 Me too.

Holistic Ratings

A total of 76 participants watched this film clip and then provided holistic ratings on how the entire clip made them feel. These holistic ratings were completed using five Positive Affect items (i.e., alert, determined, enthusiastic, excited, inspired) and five Negative Affect items (i.e., afraid, distressed, nervous, scared, upset), each rated on an ordinal scale from 0 to 4. The plot below shows the

Dynamic Ratings

A total of 76 participants watched this film clip and used the CARMA software to provide continuous (i.e., second-by-second) ratings of how it made them feel. These continuous ratings were made on a single emotional valence scale ranging from -4 (very negative) to 4 (very positive).

Time Series

We can plot the distribution of all valence ratings per second of the film clip to get a sense of how its emotional tone changes over time. The solid black line represents the mean of all ratings and the yellow, green, and purple ribbons represent the central 50%, 70%, and 90% of the ratings, respectively.

Inter-Rater Reliability

A Bayesian generalizability study was used to decompose the variance in ratings of this video clip into the following components: timepoint variance (in average ratings of each second, across raters), rater variance (in average ratings from each rater, across seconds), and residual variance (including second-by-rater interactions and measurement error). The lower and upper columns in the table below represent the boundaries of the 95% equal-tail credible interval. Note that we dropped the first 10 seconds of each clip (as rater “warmup” time).

Component Term Estimate Lower Upper Percent
Rater Variance 1.432 1.111 2.107 0.588
Timepoint Variance 0.265 0.225 0.328 0.109
Residual Variance 0.740 0.725 0.757 0.304

From these variance components, we can estimate inter-rater reliability of the ratings. There are many formulations of the two-way intraclass correlation (ICC), but the most relevant to our purposes here is the balanced average-measures consistency formulation or ICC(C,k).

Term Estimate Lower Upper Raters Error
ICC(C,k) 0.965 0.958 0.971 76 Relative

Below, we can also visualize the posterior distributions of each of these parameters. Values with higher posterior density are more probable.