The Parent Trap

Film Information

The Parent Trap is a 1998 American romantic comedy film directed and co-written by Nancy Meyers, and produced and co-written by Charles Shyer. It is a remake of the 1961 film of the same name and an adaptation of Erich Kästner’s 1949 German novel Lisa and Lottie (Das doppelte Lottchen). Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson star as a divorced couple who separated shortly after their identical twin daughters’ birth; Lindsay Lohan stars (in her film debut) as both twins, Hallie Parker and Annie James, who are fortuitously reunited at summer camp after being separated at birth. David Swift wrote the screenplay for the original 1961 film based on Lottie and Lisa. Swift is credited along with Meyers and Shyer as co-writers of the 1998 version.

All information in this section came from Wikipedia.

Clip Information

A young girl named Hal is getting picked up from summer camp by her father. When she arrives to his house, she sees the caretaker and meets her father’s new girlfriend, Meredith.

Abbrev Film Clip Start Clip Stop Duration
ParentTrap The Parent Trap (1998) 00:45:09.600 00:52:14.600 425
Characteristic Value
Format MPEG-4
File Size 175.0 MiB
Duration 425.008
Frame Rate 23.976
Video Width 1920
Video Height 1040
Video BitRate 3.3 MB/s
Audio Channels 2
Audio SamplingRate 48000
Audio BitRate 128.5 kB/s


The following wordcloud shows the words used in this clip, scaled by number of occurrences and colored by sentiment (orange = negative, green = positive, grey = neutral or unsure). Note that the words have been stemmed and lemmatized and stopwords have been removed.

The table below shows all subtitles in this clip with the start and stop time of each subtitle’s appearance in seconds.

Start End Subtitle
6.530 7.771 Thanks.
12.244 14.861 Oh, gosh. It's him.
15.497 16.863 Hey, Hal!
18.584 20.120 Welcome home, kiddo.
25.007 28.296 - Get into these arms, you little punk. - Dad.
28.969 30.210 Finally.
36.435 40.054 Oh, I hope you had a lousy time at that camp because you are not going back.
40.230 41.846 I missed you too much.
43.484 45.146 What happened to you, Hal?
45.778 47.565 Something's changed.
48.572 49.813 Are you getting taller?
52.159 54.242 So, what's up, Dad?
54.411 56.573 I mean, how's Chessy and everybody?
56.747 59.706 Great. Everybody's great. Can't wait to see you.
60.334 63.953 Eight weeks really is too long, Hal. A lot's been happening around here.
64.129 66.371 A lot's happened to me too, Dad.
66.548 69.791 I mean, I feel like I'm practically a new woman.
71.637 73.754 What's the matter? I cut myself shaving?
73.931 78.175 No, it's just... just seeing you for the first time.
78.352 81.390 I mean, you know... in so long.
82.022 84.355 You look taller to me too, Dad.
84.775 86.437 Come on, squirt. Let's get home.
101.709 104.167 Oh, by the way, thanks for all those newsy letters.
104.336 107.044 I'm really glad I bought you all that personalized stationery
107.214 108.705 you just had to have.
108.882 111.795 - We meant to write, Dad, but we just... - "We?"
111.969 116.259 Oh, me and my friend. I met this girl at camp and we got really close.
116.432 117.468 Great.
117.599 119.215 Practically like sisters.
120.310 122.643 - She was a lovely girl. - "Lovely girl?"
123.522 125.605 What, all of a sudden you're so proper?
126.692 129.901 - Still biting those nails, I see. - Dad, you noticed!
130.070 133.654 What do you mean, "noticed?" You've been biting them since you could chew.
133.824 136.817 But I've decided to stop, Dad. It's a horrid habit.
137.035 138.947 "Lovely girl," "horrid habit."
139.121 142.159 What did I do, send you to summer camp or finishing school?
142.332 145.166 And why do you keep saying "Dad" at the end of every sentence?
145.335 148.328 I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was doing it, Dad.
149.673 151.039 Sorry, Dad.
152.676 156.465 Do you want to know why I keep saying "Dad?" The truth?
156.638 159.346 'Cause you missed your old man so much, right?
160.309 161.516 Exactly.
161.685 166.851 It's because in my whole life - I mean, you know, for the past eight weeks -
167.024 171.143 I was never able to say the word "Dad." Never. Not once.
172.321 173.482 And if you ask me,
173.655 176.614 a dad is an irreplaceable person in a girl's life.
177.034 180.948 Think about it. There's a whole day devoted to celebrating fathers.
181.121 183.784 Just imagine someone's life without a father.
183.957 185.949 Never buying a Father's Day card.
186.126 188.118 Never sitting on their father's lap.
188.295 189.877 Never being able to say, "Hi, Dad!"
190.047 193.006 or, "What's up, Dad?" or, "Catch you later, Dad."
193.175 196.043 I mean, a baby's first words are always "Dada," aren't they?
196.220 200.464 Let me see if I get this. You missed being able to call me "Dad?"
200.641 203.725 Yeah. I really have, Dad.
211.276 213.563 Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
213.737 216.275 Now you're starting to sound like your old self.
240.347 243.090 Hello, gorgeous!
243.267 245.429 Oh, look at you!
245.602 247.764 Oh, you grew.
247.938 251.773 Oh, we missed you so much.
251.984 255.477 Hey. Don't you dare let your old man talk you out of going back to camp, OK?
255.571 257.107 You're a growing girl. You need adventure.
257.573 259.565 - OK. - You hungry?
260.576 262.283 I made corn bread and chili.
262.452 264.910 - Why are you so quiet? What's wrong? - Nothing.
265.080 267.037 It's just I'm so happy to be home.
267.207 270.120 Hey, did I hear something about corn bread and chili?
270.210 272.793 Yeah, it's on the stove. So...
273.463 277.503 Something's changed about you, Hal. Hm. I can't put my finger on it,
277.676 280.384 but something about you has definitely changed.
280.554 284.389 Really? Well, it's just the same old me.
285.475 287.512 Honest.
289.771 291.137 Hi, Sammy!
293.901 296.609 What is wrong with you, you goofball? It's Hallie.
296.778 299.896 Oh, I probably just smell like camp, that's all.
302.034 305.198 What's the matter with you? It's like you didn't even recognize her.
310.667 313.455 Wow, it's even better than the pictures.
315.672 319.211 OK, kiddo. What do you want to do first, huh?
319.384 324.425 You want to eat and then unpack, or we could unpack and then eat.
324.598 327.386 Or we could eat while we unpack.
327.559 329.642 You mean I can eat in my room?
330.228 332.720 Yeah, it's a definite possibility.
332.898 336.437 Hey, Hal. When you're done, come on down. There's someone I want you to meet.
336.693 339.356 - OK, Dad. - OK, Hal.
343.325 345.817 Look at you, always eating.
348.038 350.200 - Did you tell her? - No.
350.374 351.660 Oh, Nicky.
352.125 353.491 Tell me what?
354.836 358.830 Hal, it is none of my business how your father makes a fool out of himself, OK?
359.007 363.593 - He's a big boy. He can do what he wants. - OK, OK. So, who is she?
365.847 370.217 Her name's Meredith Blake. She's a publicist from San Francisco.
370.394 372.386 Your father hired her at the beginning of the summer
372.562 374.428 to do some publicity for the vineyard.
374.606 378.646 If you ask me, she's doing a better job of selling herself than the grapes.
378.819 382.028 What do you mean?
383.573 386.907 Look, you and I both know your father's not some kind of suave, debonair,
387.077 388.409 bachelor-of-the-month type.
388.578 392.037 So I gotta ask myself, what does a hot young thing like that
392.207 394.915 see in a guy who walks around with his shirttail hanging out
395.085 396.576 and a cereal bowl full of chili.
397.337 401.547 Then I realized there's about a million reasons why that girl's giggling.
403.510 406.378 All of them are sitting at the Napa Valley Community Bank.
406.596 409.054 You mean, you don't think she even really likes him?
409.224 411.307 Ah, what do I know? But I tell you one thing,
411.476 413.968 this one's got your father eating out of the palm of her hand.
414.187 417.897 They do everything together. They ride together, they swim together.
418.066 420.058 They go out to eat dinner every night.
420.235 424.400 Do you know what? Meet her. See for yourself. Don't let me influence you.

Holistic Ratings

A total of 79 participants watched this film clip and then provided holistic ratings on how the entire clip made them feel. These holistic ratings were completed using five Positive Affect items (i.e., alert, determined, enthusiastic, excited, inspired) and five Negative Affect items (i.e., afraid, distressed, nervous, scared, upset), each rated on an ordinal scale from 0 to 4. The plot below shows the

Dynamic Ratings

A total of 78 participants watched this film clip and used the CARMA software to provide continuous (i.e., second-by-second) ratings of how it made them feel. These continuous ratings were made on a single emotional valence scale ranging from -4 (very negative) to 4 (very positive).

Time Series

We can plot the distribution of all valence ratings per second of the film clip to get a sense of how its emotional tone changes over time. The solid black line represents the mean of all ratings and the yellow, green, and purple ribbons represent the central 50%, 70%, and 90% of the ratings, respectively.

Inter-Rater Reliability

A Bayesian generalizability study was used to decompose the variance in ratings of this video clip into the following components: timepoint variance (in average ratings of each second, across raters), rater variance (in average ratings from each rater, across seconds), and residual variance (including second-by-rater interactions and measurement error). The lower and upper columns in the table below represent the boundaries of the 95% equal-tail credible interval. Note that we dropped the first 10 seconds of each clip (as rater “warmup” time).

Component Term Estimate Lower Upper Percent
Rater Variance 0.718 0.551 1.059 0.387
Timepoint Variance 0.317 0.277 0.367 0.171
Residual Variance 0.819 0.807 0.833 0.442

From these variance components, we can estimate inter-rater reliability of the ratings. There are many formulations of the two-way intraclass correlation (ICC), but the most relevant to our purposes here is the balanced average-measures consistency formulation or ICC(C,k).

Term Estimate Lower Upper Raters Error
ICC(C,k) 0.968 0.963 0.972 78 Relative

Below, we can also visualize the posterior distributions of each of these parameters. Values with higher posterior density are more probable.