The Pursuit of Happyness

Film Information

The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical drama film directed by Gabriele Muccino and starring Will Smith as Chris Gardner, a homeless salesman. Smith’s son Jaden Smith co-stars, making his film debut as Gardner’s son, Christopher Jr. The screenplay by Steven Conrad is based on the best-selling 2006 memoir of the same name written by Gardner with Quincy Troupe. It is based on Gardner’s nearly one-year struggle being homeless. The unusual spelling of the film’s title comes from a mural that Gardner sees on the wall outside the daycare facility his son attended. The movie is set in San Francisco in 1981.

All information in this section came from Wikipedia.

Clip Information

Chris is hoping to get a job as a stockbroker. He shares a cab with Mr. Twistle, a lead manager and partner for the firm he is hoping to work at.

Abbrev Film Clip Start Clip Stop Duration
PursuitHappyness The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) 00:24:21.700 00:28:18.700 237
Characteristic Value
Format MPEG-4
File Size 73.2 MiB
Duration 237.029
Frame Rate 23.976
Video Width 1920
Video Height 800
Video BitRate 2.5 MB/s
Audio Channels 2
Audio SamplingRate 48000
Audio BitRate 132.3 kB/s


The following wordcloud shows the words used in this clip, scaled by number of occurrences and colored by sentiment (orange = negative, green = positive, grey = neutral or unsure). Note that the words have been stemmed and lemmatized and stopwords have been removed.

The table below shows all subtitles in this clip with the start and stop time of each subtitle’s appearance in seconds.

Start End Subtitle
2.163 4.374 - Taxi! - Mr. Twistle.
4.583 7.252 - Yeah, hi. - Hi. Chris Gardner.
7.502 9.296 Yeah, hi. Listen. What can I do for you?
9.504 12.549 I submitted an application for the intern programme about a month ago...
12.757 15.010 ...and I would just love to sit with you briefly...
15.260 17.178 Listen, I'm going to Noe Valley, Chris.
17.429 20.682 - Take care of yourself. - Mr. Twistle.
20.932 23.226 Actually, I'm on my way to Noe Valley also.
23.435 25.186 How about we share a ride?
26.688 28.857 - All right, get in. - All right.
34.946 37.699 So when I was in the Navy, I worked for a doctor...
37.949 40.744 ...who loved to play golf, hours every day...
40.952 45.582 ...and I would actually perform medical procedures...
45.790 47.334 ...when he'd leave me in the office.
47.542 52.797 So I'm used to being in a position where I have to make decisions and...
54.299 57.093 Mr. Twistle, listen. This is a very important...
57.302 59.512 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This thing's impossible.
61.640 63.725 - I can do it. - No, you can't. No one can.
63.975 66.645 - That's bullshit. - No, I'm pretty sure I can do it.
67.062 70.232 - No, you can't. - Let me see it.
70.815 72.025 Give it here.
74.986 79.282 Oh, yeah. Oh, wow, you really messed it up.
79.491 81.034 Sorry.
81.576 87.541 It looks like it works around a swivel, so the centre pieces never move.
87.749 90.835 So if it's yellow in the centre, that's the yellow side.
91.086 93.547 If it's red in the centre, that's the red side.
93.755 97.384 - Okay. - So... You can slow down.
97.592 100.637 Listen, we can drive around all day. I don't believe you can do this.
100.845 102.556 - Yeah, I can. - No, you can't.
102.764 103.932 - Yes, I can. - No, you can't.
104.182 106.059 I'm telling you, no one can.
108.019 110.230 See? That's all I ever do.
123.118 125.412 You almost have this side.
126.037 127.497 Holy cow.
137.716 141.511 - You almost had that one. - I'm gonna get it.
149.060 150.812 Look at that.
174.085 175.295 You're almost there.
199.027 202.739 - 1710. - This is me.
204.866 206.243 Good job.
208.119 211.206 - Goodbye. - Yeah. I'll see you soon.
213.625 215.335 Where are you going, sir?
215.544 218.547 Excuse me, sir. Where are you going, please?
221.883 223.593 Two... A couple of blocks.
223.802 227.222 - Just flip around. - Okay.

Holistic Ratings

A total of 79 participants watched this film clip and then provided holistic ratings on how the entire clip made them feel. These holistic ratings were completed using five Positive Affect items (i.e., alert, determined, enthusiastic, excited, inspired) and five Negative Affect items (i.e., afraid, distressed, nervous, scared, upset), each rated on an ordinal scale from 0 to 4. The plot below shows the

Dynamic Ratings

A total of 79 participants watched this film clip and used the CARMA software to provide continuous (i.e., second-by-second) ratings of how it made them feel. These continuous ratings were made on a single emotional valence scale ranging from -4 (very negative) to 4 (very positive).

Time Series

We can plot the distribution of all valence ratings per second of the film clip to get a sense of how its emotional tone changes over time. The solid black line represents the mean of all ratings and the yellow, green, and purple ribbons represent the central 50%, 70%, and 90% of the ratings, respectively.

Inter-Rater Reliability

A Bayesian generalizability study was used to decompose the variance in ratings of this video clip into the following components: timepoint variance (in average ratings of each second, across raters), rater variance (in average ratings from each rater, across seconds), and residual variance (including second-by-rater interactions and measurement error). The lower and upper columns in the table below represent the boundaries of the 95% equal-tail credible interval. Note that we dropped the first 10 seconds of each clip (as rater “warmup” time).

Component Term Estimate Lower Upper Percent
Rater Variance 0.675 0.516 0.975 0.329
Timepoint Variance 0.681 0.566 0.828 0.332
Residual Variance 0.696 0.680 0.710 0.339

From these variance components, we can estimate inter-rater reliability of the ratings. There are many formulations of the two-way intraclass correlation (ICC), but the most relevant to our purposes here is the balanced average-measures consistency formulation or ICC(C,k).

Term Estimate Lower Upper Raters Error
ICC(C,k) 0.987 0.985 0.99 79 Relative

Below, we can also visualize the posterior distributions of each of these parameters. Values with higher posterior density are more probable.